Union of Telecommunications and IT Workers Intensifies its Informational Campaign at INDRA

Section of
Telecommunications and Information Services of CNT Madrid continues with
the informational picketing campaign at INDRA and is spreading it to
other workplaces of the company in Madrid.
As you may have seen, over the past few weeks,
the workers of Indra from the workplace in Anabel Segura, who are
affiliated to the CNT, have been distributing propaganda denouncing the
overtime which many of those who
work there are forced to do. 

Seeing the
interest shown and the positive response of the employees, the union
decided to intensify the leafletting in Anabel Segura as well as in
other workplaces of the company.
Friday March 25, in the morning a large group of militants from the
union and SOV Madrid  went to distribute information, this time
denouncing INDRA for breaches of hygiene and safety standards.
Information Poster (in Spanish)

 Download the poster in A3 size
Already on Tuesday, 5 April, a small group went first thing in the morning to the workplace located at Méndez Alvaro, 9. Like
at Anabel Segura, workers at this place showed notable interest, which
does not surprise us considering the circumstances in which  many of
the employees work.
On Thursday of the same week a dozen comrades from
CNT Madrid went back to spread information at the same workplace, only
in the night time.
Here you can see some photos taken that day.
We inform the workers of INDRA that the CNT will continue going to their workplaces. As
always, we remind you that you can contact us with any questions
through our e-mail (informatica.madrid @ cnt.es), by telephone (913 690
838) or by going directly to our office.
You can find us at the Plaza de Tirso de Molina, 5. The comrades of the IT Section are there Monday through Thursday from 19:00 to 21:00 and Thursday from 11:00 to 13:00.


cartel informativo trabajadores indra


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