The Cornerstone of CNT’s Philosophy: Anarchism

The idea of assemblies is inspired by anarchist
thinking. Anarchism is a political philosophy that states that
society can be organized without power, coercion or violence. We do
not believe that we need political specialists who are given power to
decide in our name. Every person is a sovereign entity and can decide
about things that affect him or her. Many groups fed up with the
classical organizations based on the principles of hierarchy are
adopting these ideas. Anarchy is not synonymous with chaos and
violence: anarchy is an order not imposed on us from above, it is
synonymous with freedom and lack of force.

We aim for a radical transformation of society, the
suppression of wage labor, social revolution. We aim for libertarian
communism, a social and economic system that is founded out the
values of equality and freedom. To reach that aim we have to be
consistent, not just any means will achieve that end. If we want a
free, equal and brotherly society our organization and our action
must be free, equal and brotherly.

That nonwithstanding, we also feel that each attack
made by the state or the bosses must be answered. We don’t turn the
other cheek or resign ourselves to suffering injustice. The principle
of self-defense means we will come into open confrontation with
employers and institutions.

Revolutionary syndicalism, which proposes the
emancipation of the workers by their own hand and the abolition of
class society, combined with anarchism, with its ideas of
non-hierarchic or authoritarian organization, of means and ends
mutually justifying themselves, of establishing libertarian
communism, make anarcho-syndicalism.

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