Is CNT just another union?

CNT is different. Direct democracy is a
vital part of who we are. We define that kind of democracy as one
where the people who make the decisions are the ones directly
affected by them. Our statutes ensure that in a union the assembly
has the final word and in the assembly everyone’s words carry the
same weight. If you have your reasons, you’ll be able to decide the
path you will take. CNT is a union organization in which
decisions are made from the ground up, where people participate,
where there are no leaders and where we are completely free and on equal
standing in the exchange of ideas, opinions and initiatives. In CNT
we’re all equal and no one earns a wage to represent the workers.


CNT was founded in 1910 and some of its
achievements include the struggles that gave us the 8-hour day, a day
of rest on Saturday, paid vacations, sick leave, retirement and
unemployment benefits and the obligatory hiring of those unemployed.
It pushed rent strikes. It founded schools, libraries and publishing
houses. It fought fascism. Last but not least, it collectivized land
and industry in 1936, sparking one of the most profound social
transformations to be seen in the history of Europe in the 20th

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