CNT-IWA Almería Opens Conflict with CASI Agricultural Cooperative

the entry of CASI’s new chairman of the board, José María Andújar
Andújar, a layoff campaign has started against the non-standard

chairman is trying to get rid of his regular non-standard workers with
this change of policy, since they have recently acquired labor rights,
to build a new staff of temporary workers.

restructuring kicked off with the firing of six workers. CASI alleges
that it «has no activity,» an unsustainable claim seeing as how new
temps are continually being added to the staff and doing overtime to

workers are also receiving severance checks far larger than the salary
they would usually see for the whole campaing. This money comes from
the profits of the farms associated with CASI and subsidies
(€3,447,150, almost 2% of the previous year’s turnover) that the
Government of Andalusia contributes to the cooperative to help improve farm land, the environment, etc.

Almería has started a series of mobilizations compatible with the
conflict’s demands and call for the reinstatement of the workers who
were fired.

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