2nd Sentence on CNT-Zaragoza’s Conflict with FCC Passed: Another Victory

Not long ago, we announced that CNT had won the first of the lawsuits against FCC in the Zaragoza city street cleaner contract. The second sentence wasn’t different from the first: once again the court recognized that CNT was in the right and for the same exact reasons as in the first case.

The court recognized that the company was violating the workers’ basic right (Freedom to Unionize and Guarantee of Indemnity) and the company was required to rehire the employee who had been fired.

The two workers in CNT’s Union Section in FCC that were fired (according to the company for disciplinary reasons) are today back in their posts and fully protected by the law.

Now we have to fight to make sure the labor agreement is followed by both parties, a struggle that is still going on.

More information to come.

CNT’s Union Section in FCC has a blog (in Spanish) here:

Sección Sindical de la CNT en FCC

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