Atento Wages War on Freedom of Expression

few days after the formation of the CNT union in  Atento in Madrid,
fascist views have emerged and there has been repression against its
delegate, Suso, both by the company and members of the union
Perhaps what hurts some is the
presence of real anarchosyndicalism and fear the company and others have
of the courage and determination of a CNT which fights, showing its
strength through direct action (picket on April 25 to denounce the
workplace harassment against an anarchist comrade in the Barcelona 061-Emergency Service).

Centennial Memorial: 75th Anniversary of the Revolution

Inauguration of the monument in memory of the comrades killed by fascism

The Monolith of Memory
a year of celebrations, on 18 June, the events of the Centennial of the
founding of the National Confederation of Labour will culminate with
the placement of a monolith in memory of the hundreds of thousands of
members of the libertarian movement who gave their lives for freedom and
the Social Revolution and who fell under the genocidal bullets of
Francoism.  And it cannot be put in a more representative place than the
Fossar de la Pedrera in the Montjuïc Cemetery, where thousands suffered
the holocaust of the Franco regime.

CNT Barcelona Rally in front of Vodafone Headquarters

In the context of the open conflict with the company INTERNITY, a
distributor of Vodafone, the CNT in Barcelona held a rally at Vodafone’s
headquarters to demand the reinstatement of our union delegate and
denounce the repressive policy of INTERNITY against workers who demand
that their rights be fulfilled. During the rally, a banner was unfurled
and leaflets were distributed to all workers, pedestrians and store
customers explaining the abuses that the workers of INTERNITY have to
suffer on a daily basis.


Leer más CNT Barcelona Rally in front of Vodafone Headquarters

CNT Calls a Strike in the Department of Territory and Sustainability

– CNT is calling for a
week of strikes in the Infrastructure Management
division in the public
Department of Territory and Sustainability to protest the illegal outsourcing of workers.
– The Department has moved members of our union branch to another shop in a clear attempt to sweep the situation under the carpet.
– The illegal outsourcing of workers in the public administration wastes millions of euros of public money.

Leer más CNT Calls a Strike in the Department of Territory and Sustainability

[Barakaldo] Movilizaciones previstas para la Huelga en Mediapost 28,29 y 30 Junio

La sección sindical de CNT en Mediapost llama a todos/as los/as trabajadores/as a sumarse a la Huelga en contra de los recortes y para defender unidos/as nuestros derechos y nuestro futuro. Así mismo, hacemos un llamamiento a todos/as los/as compañeros/as de la CNT para que participen en los diferentes actos previstos.

La pasividad es complicidad, a todos/as nos afecta. Todos/as a la huelga

Leer más [Barakaldo] Movilizaciones previstas para la Huelga en Mediapost 28,29 y 30 Junio