Acción de CNT-AIT Madrid en una oficina del INEM

El pasado jueves 14 de abril, una decena de militantes de CNT-AIT Madrid entraron en la oficina del INEM del Paseo de las Acacias para protestar contra los distintos recortes que viene padeciendo la clase trabajadora con la excusa de la crisis. Durante unos minutos, se llamó, megáfono en mano, a la lucha obrera contra el paro, se repartieron folletos y se corearon las siguientes consignas: «¡Contra el paro, lucha obrera!», «¡Así, así, ni un paso atrás, esta reforma la vamos a parar!», «¡Huelga, huelga, huelga indefinida!» y «¡La fuerza del obrero, la solidaridad!». No faltaron las muestras de interés y apoyo, al igual que no faltaron los intentos de desalojar a los anarcosindicalistas por parte del guardia de seguridad y algunos empleados de la oficina.

Leer más Acción de CNT-AIT Madrid en una oficina del INEM

[Cordoba] The CNT Wins the Change of the Collective Agreement and the Reinstatement of a Dismissed Comrade in EULEN

CNT has won the change of the agreement it had been fighting for in the EULEN contract in COSMOS. In this contract, as in many others, EULEN had applied an agreement that did not correspond at all to the activities performed by the workers. In this case the members of the CNT were loading and unloading trucks at the cement factory, while they were subject to the agreement for cleaning buildings.

Leer más [Cordoba] The CNT Wins the Change of the Collective Agreement and the Reinstatement of a Dismissed Comrade in EULEN

In the Streets Against Outsourcing in the Xunta de Galicia

About a hundred workers took to the streets in a protest called by the CNT this March 26 in Compostela to condemn the illegal transfer of workers in the administration to private companies as well as harassment and dismissals. Although the weather was not obliging, the demonstration started at noon at the Plaza Roxa de Compostela and ended in the Plaza de Cervantes with a speech by one of the dismissed workers and the general secretary of the CNT Compostela.

Leer más In the Streets Against Outsourcing in the Xunta de Galicia

Union of Telecommunications and IT Workers Intensifies its Informational Campaign at INDRA

Section of
Telecommunications and Information Services of CNT Madrid continues with
the informational picketing campaign at INDRA and is spreading it to
other workplaces of the company in Madrid.
As you may have seen, over the past few weeks,
the workers of Indra from the workplace in Anabel Segura, who are
affiliated to the CNT, have been distributing propaganda denouncing the
overtime which many of those who
work there are forced to do. 

Leer más Union of Telecommunications and IT Workers Intensifies its Informational Campaign at INDRA

Protests at Pizza Hut Continue in Cáceres and Badajoz

The CNT continues to hold protests at Pizza Hut – every Friday in Cáceres and every Saturday in Badajoz.

There have already been six protests in Cáceres and four in Badajoz. Between 20:30 and 22:00 it becomes practically impossible to eat in peace in PIZZA HUT because of the strength of the labor protest. The conflict has begun to appear in the media, since Canal Extremadura Radio has interviewed workers repressed the company. And soon it is expected that the protest will be shown on the regional television.

Leer más Protests at Pizza Hut Continue in Cáceres and Badajoz

Manifestación universitaria en La Laguna

pasado día 13 las asambleas estudiantiles de Filosofía, Psicología,
Derecho, y Filología salieron a la calle con el apoyo de la CNT y el
sindicato estudiantil AMEC.

Partiendo desde el Campus Central de la ULL con dirección al Rectorado,  hasta 200 manifestantes han paralizado calles y avenidas. Cargados de
consignas combativas y la idea de un mundo nuevo que, dicen, no cabe en
las urnas ni, desde luego, en una Universidad que tiende a la
privatización y a la que, cada vez más, solo pueden acudir las elites
económicas del archipiélago.

Leer más Manifestación universitaria en La Laguna