Protest at the Carrefour supermarket in Sagunto

Thursday the 23rd at 7 pm, CNT local Camp de Morvedre calls a protest at the Carrefour supermarket in Sagunto against the firing of our comrade Indira Martínez. She was fired immediated after formalizing the CNT Union Section in the company after working for four long years for those exploiters at the Carrefour Expres supermarket in Pilar de la Horadada.

Leer más Protest at the Carrefour supermarket in Sagunto

La reforma de las pensiones otro engaño mas a l@s trabajadores/as

La nueva reforma de pensiones que nos llevan vendiendo desde hace mas de un año, parece que va a ser aprobada el 28 de enero próximo , se quiera o no. Entre lo anunciado, destaca el retraso a los 67 años de la edad de jubilación y la ampliación del período de cálculo de 15 a 20 años (o incluso a 25). Ambas medidas supondrán un recorte de las pensiones públicas.

Leer más La reforma de las pensiones otro engaño mas a l@s trabajadores/as

Against Layoffs in the Xunta of Galicia

CNT Compostela is opening a campaign to denounce the hiring conditions in the Galician Government, the Xunta. After several layoffs in different departments, we at CNT cannot remain silent. We have decided to address and attack the outsourcing and exploitation going on in the administration with this campaign which will culminate in a protest in Compostela on February 11, 2011.


Leer más Against Layoffs in the Xunta of Galicia

Protests every Thursday in front of Carrefour Expres de Pilar de la Horadada

Pilar de la Horadada local CNT continues its struggle for the reinstatement of our comrade Indira, fired for her union activism, and for her selfless battle against the «crisis» meaning, among many other attacks on social rights, an excuse to sweep safety and hygiene legislation under the carpet to improve companies’ profit and loss accounts by disregarding workers’ health and lives; turning having a job into playing the lottery where workers put their life and health on the line.

Leer más Protests every Thursday in front of Carrefour Expres de Pilar de la Horadada