Graphic Arts Union Publishes their Calendar with Today’s Best Alternative Illustrators

CNT’s Madrid local Graphic Arts, Communication and Entertainment union publishes its yearly calendar thanks to the collaboration of the best alternative illustrators today:

Olaf, Miguel Brieva, Quico Vicens, Juan Javier, Azagra, Yorgos, Kalvellido, Rasgo, Nemesio, Miguel Baiguel, César Fernández, Kiko Makarro.

12 artists who offer us their particular vision for 2011.

Leer más Graphic Arts Union Publishes their Calendar with Today’s Best Alternative Illustrators

CNT-IWA Opens a Conflict against Precarious Contracts and Cuts in the Complutense University of Madrid

On November 17, CNT-IWA started actions to publicly denounce the Complutense University in their conflict with this institution for hiring students and paying them with scholorships and and to call for the withdrawal of the Budget Balancing Plan.

From 2 to 3 pm we gathered in front of the Student Vicerector’s office behind a banner that said «No more cuts and precarious contracts. No to the Budget Balancing Plan. No to collaboration-scholorships.» The protest was an attempt to raise awareness in the center’s workers. We were warmly supported by our colleagues and other people who happened by.

Leer más CNT-IWA Opens a Conflict against Precarious Contracts and Cuts in the Complutense University of Madrid

Erre Ke Erre – Vincci Hotels Conflict

Erre Ke Erre has the pleasure of offering you a double header this week:

We’ll be interviewing our compañero Manuel, from Granada’s Oficios Varios union, regarding his conflict with Vincci Hotels. He was fired when he was on sick leave due to an accident he suffered while at work. The company attempted to negate their responsibility and get a bothersome anarco-syndicalist worker out of their hair to boot.

Complete program (in Spanish) can be downloaded or streamed: RadioVallekas

Leer más Erre Ke Erre – Vincci Hotels Conflict