Manifestación Contra la Reforma Laboral 25-S

de varios años de crisis capitalista, nos damos cuenta de que la
especulación y la falta de escrúpulos del gran capital han incidido
definitivamente en el empeoramiento de las condiciones de vida de los
trabajadores. Dicho empeoramiento, que se viene fraguando desde la
Transición y los gobiernos neoliberales de PSOE y PP, afecta ya no sólo a
los derechos laborales, sino a derechos sociales básicos como las
pensiones y el acceso a una vivienda digna.

Leer más Manifestación Contra la Reforma Laboral 25-S

CNT Madrid Supports the General Strike – but is Critical Towards the Official Unions Calling It

29-S. Demo. Oporto – Marqués de Vadillo. 18.30h.

There is no doubt about the reasons to strike. Politicians and employers have been getting us mad for two years. First they fired as many people as they could while taking a lot of public money in aid to banks and companies until unemployment reached almost five million people. When they already couldn’t fire anybody else, they started to decrease salaries for workers in the public and private sectors, as if the government had given a signal to start the race to cut salaries.

Now they have not only imposed another reform on us, making it easier to dismiss people, but they want to lower salaries, increase the retirement age, privatize health care…

Leer más CNT Madrid Supports the General Strike – but is Critical Towards the Official Unions Calling It

Nuevo pulso a la Biblioteca Nacional

El pasado miércoles, compañeros y compañeras de la CNT de Madrid volvimos a concentrarnos frente a las puertas de la Biblioteca Nacional por la readmisión de nuestra compañera Marta y contra la cesión ilegal de más de 400 trabajadores y trabajadoras en esta institución.

Las once de la mañana parecía una buena hora para empezar a desplegar la pancarta en la que podía leerse “Represión sindical, readmisión despedidos”.

Leer más Nuevo pulso a la Biblioteca Nacional

Enough Deportations! Communique of SOV Jaén

«Indifference is the same thing as a crime»
– Marek Edelmann, a leader of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

The CNT from Jaén strongly condemns the horrific mass deportations
carried out against the Roma in France. We denounce the intolerance of
the neofascist government of Nicolas Sarkozy. We believe that
these deportations violate the fundamental rights of a group whose
members are European citizens with full rights. The mass deportation of
members of the Roma population is an act which denigrates us all,
without exception, whether we are French or not.

We find it
alarming that in a country lke France, which was the victim of nazism,
for many years and has seen in the flesh what racial crimes mean
(including mass deportations), is perpetrating this outrage. We believe
that these acts are based in an institutional policy of stigmatizing the
Roma people.

Leer más Enough Deportations! Communique of SOV Jaén