«La noche en blanco» se tiñe de rojinegro en la Biblioteca Nacional

El pasado sábado, 40 militantes de la F.L. de Madrid irrumpieron en un acto público de la Biblioteca Nacional para reivindicar la readmisión de la compañera Marta, del SOV de Madrid. El acto se enmarcaba en el programa de “la noche en blanco”, un evento anual en el que se abren los museos y se celebran espectáculos gratuitos por las calles de Madrid en horario nocturno.

Leer más «La noche en blanco» se tiñe de rojinegro en la Biblioteca Nacional

CNT Calls for Participation in the General Strike

The new labour reform that the PSOE intends to introduce means increased agression against the democratic rights of workers.
The day of the
strike should serve as a trigger for further and broader mobilizations. A
labour reform which they try to justify with the crisis, but which in
reality is only aimed at giving more possibilities to the companies to
make irregular contracts, ignore collective agreements and dismiss
workers at less cost. A reform which will mean more temporariness and
deregulation in hiring; a substantial reduction in compensation for
unfair dismissal; enormous possibilities
for the companies to reneg parts of the collective agreements such as
salary, hours or schedules. More precarity, more insecurity, less
salary, fewer rights. That is how the government of the PSOE is.

Leer más CNT Calls for Participation in the General Strike