[BCN] CNT ocupa el Departament de Salut en protesta por los 107 trabajadores despedidos en el 061

En el marco de la campaña por la readmisión de los 107 trabajadores del servicio 061 catalán despedidos en marzo, una veintena de militantes de la Confederación Nacional del Trabajo (CNT) ocupó la sede del Departament de Salut la tarde del 23 de julio para exigir una reunión con el Sistema d’Emergències Mèdiques (SEM).

Desde hace meses, la Sección Sindical ha llevado adelante una serie de acciones jurídicas y sindicales en contra de la empresa ATENTO, que gestiona el servicio, para denunciar la injusticia e ilegalidad de los despidos.

Leer más [BCN] CNT ocupa el Departament de Salut en protesta por los 107 trabajadores despedidos en el 061

Barcelona: CNT Occupies the Health Department to Protest the Dismissal of 107 workers in the 061

As part of the campaign for the reinstatement of 107 Catalan 061*
service workers fired in March, a couple dozen activists from the CNT
occupied the headquarters of the Department of Health on the afternoon
of July 23 to demand a meeting with the System of Medical Emergencies

(*Note: 061 is the phone number to dial for medical emergencies.)

For some months, the Syndical Section has been carrying out a series
of legal and union actions against the company ATENTO, which manages
the service, to denounce the injustice and illegality of the firings.

Because of the reluctance of the company to negotiate with CNT, it
was decided to escalate the struggle, while also pressing the Department
of Health, which is also considered responsible for the situation of
the dismissed comrades. It is unacceptable that the Department supports
the attitude of ATENTO, allowing the company to systematically ignore
the rights of their workers, in a service so essential to the welfare of
the population like the SEM.

On account of the SEM’s continued refusal to meet with workers, the
CNT decided to occupy the premises of the Department of Health to demand
a meeting to address the situation of the redundant workers. The
occupation went absolutely smoothly, without incident. The occupiers
waited inside while our comrades met with representatives of the

Leer más Barcelona: CNT Occupies the Health Department to Protest the Dismissal of 107 workers in the 061