CNT Demonstrates in Madrid against Labour Reform and Government Cutbacks

On Saturday July 3, about 1000 militants and sympathizers of the CNT
took to the streets to protest against labour reform and cutbacks which
the working class has had to endure over the last few months.

The demonstration started punctually down Atocha St. at 12:00 with
comrades from Valencia, Granada, Córdoba, Salamanca, etc. The
demonstration at times turned into a combative march, with its
participants shouting «workers, if you don’t fight, nobody listens»
«union, action, self-management»,»workers, wake up, unemployment is at
your doorstep» and other slogans criticizing labour reform.

The demonstration went without notable incidents until the Puerta del
Sol. There, Carmen, secretary of the Regional Confederation Centre,
took the microphone and clearly and directly denounced the new blow to
the working class that represented by labour reform, where the workers
themselves must pay contributions to a fund which pays for their own
dismissals. She denounced the situation where the workers had to pay for
the crisis while the government reinforces its capital and spoke of the
necessity to fight harder than ever against the enemies of the working

Leer más CNT Demonstrates in Madrid against Labour Reform and Government Cutbacks

Update on the 11 of Lisbon

Three more sessions of the trial against the “Lisbon 11” – eleven persons detained during the police repression of the 25th April 2007 anti-authoritarian demonstration against fascism and capitalism in Lisbon – were held on April 29th, May 19th and June 15th.

The hearings of the last accusation witnesses (mostly anti-riot cops) and of the defense witnesses took place during those sessions. On the 15th of June, a video with parts of the demonstration and the police assault was shown in court by the defense.

Leer más Update on the 11 of Lisbon

CNT se manifiesta en Madrid contra la reforma laboral y los recortes del gobierno

El pasado sábado 3 de julio cerca de un millar de militantes y simpatizantes de la Confederación Nacional del Trabajo salieron a la calle para protestar contra la reforma laboral y los recortes que la clase trabajadora están sufriendo en estos últimos meses.

Así, puntuales y con compañeros/as venidos desde Valencia, Granada, Córdoba, Salamanca, etc. la manifestación se inició a las 12 horas subiendo por la calle Atocha.

Leer más CNT se manifiesta en Madrid contra la reforma laboral y los recortes del gobierno

La Acción Directa llega a Viajes Marsans

En el día de ayer, a las 12.00 y ante la falta de cobro de las nóminas en Viajes Marsans, se ha celebrado una concentración ante las puertas de una de sus sedes en Pórtico; no es la primera que se hace desde que se inició el conflicto, pero esta vez ya no ha sido en silencio; pitos, gritos de «queremos cobrar» y, al entrar en el edificio”, “¡a la tercera!», que la tercera planta es donde está el equipo de Dirección actual.

Leer más La Acción Directa llega a Viajes Marsans