Protest Vigil for Victims of Accidents on the Job

CNT Canarias is the only union in this Autonomous Region undertaking an ongoing campaign against accidents on the job. More than 15 workers died in 2010 on the Islands.

Accident at work. This euphemistic expression hides a whole series of behaviors and omissions which look very similar to terrorist actions from the organized bosses.

These acts have meant the death of more than 15 victims in this Region in 2010 without resulting up to now in any communiqué, press release, etc. where those guilty of so much death have said they were sorry or rectified.

CNT Canarias, following a several-year-long campaign denouncing accidents at work, protested last Thursday the 30th (last working day in the public administration and in construction) in front of the Canary Island Government’s Directorate-General of Work so these victims are not forgotten and to join their families in grief, families shattered by business negligence. We also drew attention that the numbers will probably increase once, thanks to the labor reform, employment agencies can access sectors previously closed off to them because of the danger of the work.

Underlying our protest is that as workers, we have a way to defend ourselves. The union is our weapon, let’s use it.


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